
Jon Mew

Jon Mew, CEO of IAB UK argues that 20 years ago, 彩乐园dsn很简单:横幅广告和搜索广告几乎是针对那些尚未联网的消费者的唯一选择.

那时候,成功也很简单,大多数营销人员都渴望获得更高的点击率和更低的CPC. Sophistication prevailed and soon social, 移动设备和本地设备进入了人们的视野,现在我们生活在一个互联设备和VR、AI等新技术爆炸式增长的世界.

营销人员从来不知道他们需要担心的事情正迅速成为主流. When I began my career at ITV, 我从未想过我会听到有人说:“我如何证明在智能冰箱上投放广告的投资回报率??”

As digital complexity increases, 营销人员正在从通用的关键绩效指标转向真正重要的东西——效果或广告在推动业务结果方面对消费者的影响.

Proving effectiveness is important to us. And because of that, so is measurement, a subject that consistently makes headlines, sparks debate and keeps marketers and media owners awake at night.

Just quickly, 同样值得确保的是,我们不会混淆可见性和有效性——这是我们经常听到人们做的事情. 可见性是一个决定广告是否有机会被看到的指标(即它是否正确加载,是否在折叠上方)?). It can’t guarantee that an ad was seen by a consumer, 同样,出版商也不能保证读者翻了一页就能看到杂志上的广告.

I’ll be the first to admit there are challenges with digital, 但我们——以及整个行业——所渴望的是比我们以前所见过的更加多方面的东西. Digital’s bar is higher than other media, 这在一定程度上要归功于它比传统渠道更具成本效益的目标受众能力,以及它几乎可以立即进行测试和优化的便利性.

我们需要重新构建测量对话,将其从(技术)杂草中清除出来,并将其定位为积极的. But this is a thorny subject, and our role at the IAB is to uncomplicate the complex, make it better and build a sustainable future for digital to thrive. 我们听取了成员的意见,并将实施各种措施来解决度量问题. 其中之一将是我们新的测量小组,将媒体所有者聚集在一起, 代理机构和广告技术提供商代表行业在这一领域合作并取得进展.

有一件事是肯定的,那就是有效性——业务结果——在衡量时是最重要的. For example, 我们的IMPACT研究通过测量五个快速消费品品牌,揭示了对彩乐园dsn对线上和线下销售的影响的更好理解,这些品牌利用桌面和移动端程序化的方式来瞄准在塞恩斯伯里购物的消费者. The results found that digital ads drove an average ROI of £1.47 for every £1 spent.

In the UK, digital accounts for 48% of the annual ad spend. This growth has been largely fuelled by mobile, which presents its own measurement challenges, 但随着人们在智能手机上花费的上网时间比其他任何设备都多,它是与消费者联系的绝佳工具.

通过我们的Real_Living研究,我们能够更多地了解手机的影响, 它调查了互联网连接设备的兴起在多大程度上影响了传统的客厅看电视的动态, and how people really divide their finite attention across screens.

Real_Living的研究揭示了两个关键的神话:1)电视是主导屏幕——在现实中, only 50% of UK adults say the TV is their focal point and 70% report usually using a connected device whilst watching TV; 2) TV content/advertising determines behaviours in the living room – device tracking showed that more online activity actually took place during a programme than during an ad break.

As the proliferation of connected devices continues, 我们必须为消费者接触技术及其影响的新方式做好计划. Luckily, with more specialised companies like Blis and GroundTruth, we have the potential to track consumers, and their activity in real-time, to see what they do in the real world.

While still not perfect, audience measurement is getting better all the time. UK Online Measurement (UKOM) was formed in 2009. 由IAB和AOP共同拥有,董事会代表来自IPA和ISBA, UKOM是整个行业聚集在一起,为英国在线受众测量制定和管理一个独立客观的标准.

Originally designed for ‘text and pics’ website measurement only, UKOM目前的合作伙伴comScore已经开发出了测量整个英国人口(6岁以上为pc)在线行为的能力, 13+ for mobile and smartphone) across desktop, tablet and smartphones (android and iOS), browsers and apps, for text, pictures and video. ukom认可的受众测量产品套件为英国媒体行业提供了独立客观的在线测量系统,它需要在在线媒体规划中像对待其他媒体一样充满信心.

所以无论是衡量受众覆盖面还是智能冰箱上信息的有效性, we need to remove confusion in order to make progress. 我们需要一个现实的期望,即在不缺乏雄心的情况下可以取得什么成就. We need to figure out what we can do now that’s useful for brands. 我们将继续与行业合作,为数字化设定更高的标准,因为数字化是伟大的,无论是我们连接消费者品牌,还是使用智能冰箱,以确保我们永远不会用完奶酪.

Written by

Jon Mew


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